This experience at the meditation group reminded me how judgment often works like a mirror. When I’m hard on myself, I tend to judge others more harshly, too. It’s something I see in my creative work as well—if my inner critic is in overdrive, I find myself nitpicking others’ art or writing in my head.
But the opposite is true, too. When I’m kinder to myself, I notice I’m more open to the work of others, more willing to see their strengths or intentions instead of flaws. It’s a good reminder that cultivating self-compassion doesn’t only change how I feel—it also changes how I interact with the world, whether in a meditation group or as part of a creative community.
And honestly? That bell was loud. But maybe that’s the point—sometimes we need a sharp interruption to snap us out of our judgments.
I’d love to hear from you!
Have you ever noticed a connection between how you judge yourself and how you perceive others? What helps you break that cycle? Let me know below. I love reading—and responding to—comments!
Leif Love
I’ve been experimenting more with canicross with my vizsla Leif (canicross is where we both wear special harnesses and he pulls me along as I run behind him). However, today I went for a run without him and was surprised at how slow I felt. Then I realized I was no longer Leif-powered so that made complete sense!
Take care and keep creating!
P.S. This week’s post for paid subscribers was Breaking Into Comics Without Traditional Submissions all about the things you can do to break into publishing beyond submitting your work to agents and publishers.
Meditation centers are great 👍 when I find my behavior being edgy or criticizing others, I remind myself that everything in the outside is fixed in the inside and that helps me chill out. It’s very strong, this belief in where the with it shift needs to happen. The amount of insanity of my direct environment is kept in check by belief that there’s no point in pushing it fighting situations on the outside, turning within always works.
Just the reminder I needed today! Thank you. ❤️