It’s beautiful! Great job!

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So glad you saved your fur baby! I was worried for a second. His shredding and energy reminds me of our new guy.

I’m so happy I found your substack. I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to share a special story but have been overwhelmed with the world of web comics and graphic novels. This is the first diary style comic I’ve seen and I think this is what I’ve been looking for. You mentioned your unpublished graphic novel…Do you think you’ll self publish it one day?

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Thanks Stacy! Yes, it was quite the scary experience.

I'm so glad you're enjoying my Substack! I'm actually going to be doing more about diary comics (similar to this style) in the coming months--probably offering workshops related to them so stay tuned.

My graphic memoir is currently out on submission with publishers so fingers crossed. I don't think I'd self-publish it because of the amount of work and money involved, but some people certainly make it work or just want to get it out into the world. There's a lot of be said for the psychological experience of creating graphic memoir regardless of readership too.

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This sounds SO SCARY. I'm so glad Leif is okay–but honestly not surprised that you knew exactly how to deal with that situation! I love reading your newsletter!

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Thanks Anna! It was REALLY scary!

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Apart from the horrible situation for your and poor, lovely pup, this newsletter was so rich and interesting to read. The threads of how creativity and life intersect, of how making art is life and life is art. And I loved seeing one of your old comics - and the cat bit pleased me, too! Hope you're all cuddling up somewhere warm and healing from the trauma of it all. It must have been really scary. Thank you for sharing your life and your art with us. And now I know what to do if one of my cats gets in trouble!

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Thanks so much, Virginia! That's very kind of you to say. I'm taking a bit longer than Leif to recover. The resilience of pets really is extraordinary.

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I slipped on the ice a few years ago and broke my arm. I still have heart palpitations whenever I - or the kids - walk on ice. It's amazing how the body holds that trauma and fear and I think when it's fear for someone we love, human or animal, it's somehow even greater.

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I totally agree.

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Meant to say the event is awful. So glad you were able to save your dog. Facinating that you wrote the future and knew exactly what to do.

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Thank you! Yeah, it felt rather eery.

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Oh my goodness! How scary!! So glad you knew to grab him this way!!!!

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So scary! I was really glad he had his harness on so it was surprisingly easy to pull him out.

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WOW. Just...wow. I am so glad you both are safe.

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Thanks! Yeah, it was really terrifying. But making the comic afterwards about the experience did help me process it.

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