It never ceases to amaze me how much craft goes into art to give the reader an impression of effortless informality and improvisation. To be prosaic, how are you going to get suspension of disbelief if the text is illegible?
Great post!! I’m still working on practicing what I learned last Friday. I drew my first comic strip and posted it in a Substack note. I call it “Dog Walk Diary” 😂. Thank you for inspiring me! ❤️
As a reader, I sometimes find it tricky to follow reading order (but not in your comics!). And yeah, that always takes me out of the moment of the story. Great tips!
Great tip! Like they say on the ComicLab Podcast: "People won't read your comic if they can't read your comic"!
It never ceases to amaze me how much craft goes into art to give the reader an impression of effortless informality and improvisation. To be prosaic, how are you going to get suspension of disbelief if the text is illegible?
Great post!! I’m still working on practicing what I learned last Friday. I drew my first comic strip and posted it in a Substack note. I call it “Dog Walk Diary” 😂. Thank you for inspiring me! ❤️
This is such a good reminder, in fact so good I restacked it 🤩
As a reader, I sometimes find it tricky to follow reading order (but not in your comics!). And yeah, that always takes me out of the moment of the story. Great tips!