Oooh I love that garden plan!

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Thanks Maddy! I just couldn't visualize it without seeing it.

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I cannot keep indoor plants alive if my life depended on it, but I started outdoor veggie gardening about 4 years ago, and it's been very successful! And totally therapeutic. Also I think I like that there is a set time in the year for it - late spring and summer. By the end of the season, I welcome the break for winter/hibernation. (Totally a metaphor in there)

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I feel you on indoor plants too, Delaney! That's good to hear that outdoor vegetable gardening is going well and I appreciate your point that it's time limited. That's sometimes hard to remember that when it feels overwhelming. And I appreciate a winter metaphor too :)

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I have the exact same thing trying to keep indoor plants alive...

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I'm pretty similar with indoor plants too, Sarah. Even the ones that are supposedly "easy" to keep alive.

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Ooh gardening is satisfying. As a lazy gardener, I love plants that are low maintenance.

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Yes, gardening really is satisfying. I'm totally with you on the low maintenance plants, Cara!

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Haha I can relate, Katharine ! My brother, mother, grandmother and her whole side of the family have/had incredible green thumbs and I can’t even keep a cactus alive. Love the photoshop garden layout idea!

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Thanks Anna! I just inherited a couple cacti from a friend and now have to keep those alive too. Fingers crossed!

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